Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Painful Memories, Make situations of Joy Change

"The Giver looked up at him, his face contorted with suffering "please," he gasped, "take some pain."
That day Jonas knew he will be sent home the Giver was rigid in his chair, Jonas was about to leave, but before he asked the Giver if he might need some help and he told him that please take the pain that was struggling him. Jonas went to the bed take his tunic off and the Giver placed his hands in his back, when the memory started he was confused, he saw a kid asking him if wanted water, after that he saw the boy in his uniform with fresh blood coming out of him! then again, the boy's chest, also Jonas arm felt some pain. This memory was called the memory of war, people died in there, had panic and feel this painful feeling he felt in his arm. The next day Jonas didn't wanted to go back to the Annex but he knew he had to go, so he went. The giver felt sorry for transmitting that memory, that day he just give him happy memories such as a birthday party and the Giver´s favorite, a holiday called Christmas. In that memory Jonas learned what were grand parents and a feeling called love. When he came home he ask his parents if they loved him, and her mother corrected him and told him to use precise language because loving was just a word to them, not a feeling. A random holiday came, people in the community stop working that day, there was no school or volunteer hours. In the holiday Lilly came ant told she was angry because other kid broke the rules while playing in the playing center, but Jonas knew she wasn't angry she had other feeling because he now has experienced the real one. Jonas saw his friend Asher, and then he saw other children's playing a warfare game shooting each other this lead Jonas to depression, after they notice something was wrong with him they fought, also he felt loss the thugs with his childhood friends were different now he was also feeling loss. One year after his selection has passed it was December again! Wow!! One year that he was experiencing this memories! A day Jonas ask for about release, and the Giver told him that he can apply for release after training him and then.... He was told that before the last receiver the in e that failed and people never talk about the new receiver could apply for release. They started talking about the last receiver, she was a girl an intelligent and eager to knowing about memories. Her name was Rosemary. The Giver loved her she was always enthusiastic when he transmit memories, when the time to transmit the painful memories come it broke his heart. The giver did it because of his work, he gaved him the feeling of loneliness, and loss since then she changed.

" I felt angry because someone broke the play area rules,"  Lily had said once, making the first with her small him to indicate her fury" 
"you can't understand, then that is what I felt for Rosemary," The Giver explained. " I loved her."

 What I can know about the community life is that they have a perfect life! Getting mad when someone breaks rules? Is something that doesn't cause anger to someone. As Jonas said she wasn't feeling that because she hasn't experience it correctly she was feeling shallow impatience and exasperation. Also the Giver's love for Rosemary was very strong, she told so many wonderful things about her what she did, her failure when she applied to release and injected her self the Guver thought it was his fault. He had made her a girl with many happy memories but the painful ones make her change make her view the world prom another perspective.

Maybe in next chapters... Fiona, Jonas and Asher will be friends againg, people will know about release what is it and what was the name of the last reciever. People in the community will know the truth, why do they hide rhings for them in the next posts you will know if my prediction was correct or no!

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