Monday, January 19, 2015

Can Jonas Free the Memories?

“I was only asking about release because my father is releasing a newchild today. A twin. He has to select one and release the other one. They do it by weight” Jonas glanced at the clock.

Jonas was wondering how release was made, so he asked the Giver, he wanted to know about this private ceremony, each private ceremony is recorded so they asked to the speaker to play it. When he started watching it he saw both babies, his dad was there, he weights them and one was heavier than the other one. The woman that was there took the baby with her and left the one that was being released. He saw his father taking to the baby then he injected something in the forehead! After the syringe was fully gone the expression the baby had was terrible! It remembered Jonas the guy that was killed in war. Now he knew his father killed an innocent baby!!!!! He was crying, he didn’t want to go home this was such a socking thing that the giver told Jonas to stay this night at his dwelling.  The speaker was told to notify his family but with a fake reason. Jonas can’t believe what he had seen, he knew Fiona had to do the same thing but with old people and she will never knew she was killing someone because they were toughed to do it like there was nothing wrong. After having dinner the giver told Jonas a plan. This consisted in free al the memories that he had he will be trained to do this the Giver will stay in the Gabe was going to be released! He wascommunity and the receiver will go to free them. It was a perfect plan until Jonas knew n’t going to let his father do that so he changed the plans and leave earlier from his dwelling to save him, he stole his father’s bike and started his expedition to elsewhere. In his road he experience many things, he saw planes that might be looking for them, but also beautiful things he saw birds, a deer and an animal that he didn’t know the name. He experienced hunger and real pain when he falled but the most amazing thing he saw was snow a hill and a sled he went on it holding Gabriel in the coldness and went down the hill when they get there he saw a house, trees with colored lights and heard music,...

“I won’t! I won’t go home! You can make me! Jonas sobbed and shouted and pounded the bed with his fists.”
“For the first time, he heard something that he knew to be music. He heard people singing.Behind him, across the vast distances of space and time, from the place he had left, he thought he heard music too. But perhaps it was only and echo.”
What I can see in the first quote is that when Jonas didn’t want to go home was for a giant reason. The pain he was holding, to know your father has killed someone and he didn’t knew what he was doing was devastating. Having to hold too much pain has to be like that, sometimes cry and, others, just be brave but in this case this was the time to cry. And in the other quote what was Lois trying to tell us in the end of the story? What happened did he finally get to elsewhere? Because it never said that, all the memories he had earned with the giver became true he saw amazing things but at the end what happened the echo….

Jonas did his mission! his plan succed!
At the end of this book I had to do the final choice on it. Did Jonas succeed? I’m optimist and I thought he did it; all this journey through elsewhere makes him stronger make him experience amazing things we don’t appreciate every day. But for me he did get it because at the end he heard and saw everything that he learned and received as a memory.

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