Monday, December 22, 2014

New Rules, New Life

´´Jonas simply smiled and nodded, not ready to lie, not willing to tell the truth.´´  

It was difficult to Jonas to follow this new rule, to lie, this was a common morning ritual usually all the family participate, and Jonas now is prohibited to share his dreams. He tried to imagine the exact description of how hills, snow and sunshine was, but is difficult to describe things and make people imagine what they never experience before. Fiona came to talk with Jonas and told him that she was waiting for him last day, Jonas was taking too long and it was getting late and she couldn´t take too long. While talking to Fiona something in her hair changed, and it wasn't just her hair few days ago in the ceremony the faces in the auditorium the apple and now her hair. This could be seeing beyond. He explained this to the Giver the changes he have seen and he said to Jonas he is starting to see a color, the color red.

Days passed and Jonas experienced memories of many colors, and the rainbow. Jonas gets frustrated because all the community doesn't experience colors because of sameness. He will like to choose things but the Giver remainds him that this has some negative effects. He was so angry about people sont se colors he triend to transmit the memory of it to others with out the permission of anyone. He tried with Asher but nothing changed. After that he had a new memory that the Giver has gived to him, a terrible one. They were elephants the ones he though they weren't real, they were killing them!! Also Jonas saw different tones of flesh and skin color. That evening Jonas told Lilly elephants were real, again he tried to transmit a nice memory of them but it didn't work. He asks the Giver about his personal life, he once got a spouse and a family but it was difficult for him because he had some rules to follow; not share anything about his dreams, work, and books. He told Jonas the comitee call someriems when they need their help to do decisions, to help them not to the same mistakes that happened in the past. Then Jonas talks to him about his teacher and the Giver tells him he doesn't know truly what he is teaching because he doesn't has the memories of it.

 Jonas has earned another memory and this one was very painful. To break a leg at first he get scared and then he get a terrible pain he triend to move and he coudn't. He femembered he coudn't dring any pain pills or medication. Gabriel was growing successfully they hope he would not get released of the community. Jonas finally to help him sleep he transmit him new memories and he receives them! Why he can receive them? What so they have in common 😨

Monday, December 15, 2014

Having New Memories of the World

Jonas has now been selected, everyone including him doesnt know how to react. He feels different and apart of his commuity and friends. Ashes comes and congratulates him of his selection, he does the same. People come and congratulates Ashers the also congratulate him but like they actually don't know what to do at that moment. Lilly was know thinking about her volunteer hours and  thought about the Nurturing Center becuse know she was pro because of Gabriel. The family is discussing about the last reciever, the one that failed, since she failed and disappointed the community her name will ever be mention and/or used in a new born baby ( woah what she might done. Is the name thing simillar to Harry Potter Voldemort name?). No one knows what happen to her. Jonas now had a folder, he open it and found one and only paper, his laws in which included  "to lie" this impressed him because in the community this was unacceptable.

It was his first day he coudnt be late. He went with Fiona and talk for a while 
"Well everything is different now," Jonas remaind her.
"Even the nameplate on our bikes," Fiona laughed
Why their new assigme
nts have made a grat change in their life? to change just a simple thing as their nameplates in their bike, after discussing it both tell their selves they dont want to be late. Fiona whent to her assigment job and Jonas whent to the Annex.When he get there a voice talk through the speakes, suddenly after saying it was him, Jonas, it let him in. Athing impressed him the door had a lock, normally ordinary houses in the community dot have one ( maybee... they dont have privacy but they have security). Jonas get to the house it looked like an ordinary one but then he realized that the walls were fully covered with books they were thousands of them maybe millions!!!!  and a normal community house have only books of laws and what they deserved to know. Then the Giver talked about snow, But Jonas didnt knew what was it so the reciever transmit one of his memories, the sled and snow one, but before transmiting the memory he TURNED OFF the speaker. Jonas never had seen an off button in a speaker before! He relaxed lay down in the bed without the tunic and the Giver touch his back then Jonas felt cold, this memory was pleasent! He asks if the giver has also the memory but he has others of them.

The snow mwmory was entertainig for him, Jonas questions why they dont have it anymore and its because this complicates the growing of crops and the hills made things difficult to transport.The other memory he had was one he didnt feel cold, he identify it was something warm, and hot, it was the sunshine it. The sunshine came from the sky Jonas told to the Giver. Jonas get one more memory, he felt warmness again but this time it hurt! they were sunburns this was a memory to make Jonas understand the pain thing.

Monday, December 8, 2014

The Giver

Chapter 6-8

It's the time all Twelves were waiting for, their ceremony. Jonas remembers Lilly about how he get her jacket to show their independence by buttoning the jacket. When they get to the ceremony Jonas mother takes a sit, while the father has to go to name the Ones because he is a Nurturer. Little Gabe is not with the Ones bacause he is short and isnt healthy enough. But Jonas father has convinced them that he could stay one year more in the comunity and  his family will take care of him but they have to promiss that they can get emotionally attached with him because is determinated that Gabe cannot be in Jonas family for stability. Each family have to sons, a girl and a boy. They are talking about Caleb a four year old kid who diead not to long ago. He died drowned in the river bacause he went there without anyone and didnt knew how to survive. The next part in the ceremony that takes place is the bycicles that are given to the Nines and the Tens hair cut. Also is reported that if you dont like or you aren't good for your assigment you can be transfered to the Elsewhere, But the elders never make a wrong desision.

Is time fot he ceremony of the Twelves. What do they will be assigned? They order their selves in the numbers they were born. The numbers were before they get their name in their ceremony where becoming Ones. But they were used also in ceremonies. The Chief Elder says a speach in ehich she mentions that their differences have been a privilage to them, deciding whivh job they will be assigned. Asher, number four was called, things of his childhood were mentiones such as the smack error. His assigment was Director of Recreation. Others were named, then they get to Fiona, number eighteen, Jonas was next. He was number nineteen, but he wasnt named, Jonas was skipped. The audience noticed, everyone did. He wwonders what he might done wrong.

All Twelves were mentioned except Jonas. The Chief Elder apoligizes.  She explains Jonas have been selected. He has been selected to be The Reciever of Memory. Jonas notices that the current reciever has the same pale eyes. He has to be traied apart everyone else. Jonas has qualities not everyone has such as intelligence, integrity, courage and wisdom. He is telled his training requires phisical pain and thats when the wisdom will appear. Also he has the capacity of seying beyond, he has actually experience that with that apple in his childhood when he saw something, he dont know what, changed. Now Jonas has been assingned the  most elder important job, might he be able of handle this phisical pain/

Monday, December 1, 2014

The Giver 1-5

Jonas had feeling, December was coming and he was frighten, no that wasn’t the word to describe it. Last year he was frighten when he saw a plane flying near the community. He was feeling apprehensive, about what was coming out. He is very concerned in his vocabulary. When he came home, at dinner, the family shared about their feelings of that day. Lilly started and she said that she felt angry because the sevens weren’t following the rules. Everyone in the family shared and Jonas told that he was frightened about the ceremony of the twelves that was coming in December.  The ceremony consisted to choose twelves their future job, the community chooses everything for them, but the father that works with newborn Childs said that he can secretly know the names of the babies before the ceremony of the ones.  When you turn a certain age such as nine you are given a certain object, in this case a bicycle but for the twelves this was a very important ceremony for their new assignment. The elders were the most important ones, the old people of the community, the receiver was the head of these ones, and they were ones that accepted the laws. Animals such as an elephant were considered fantastic species that doesn’t exist. The father took Gabriel, a baby, home this was illegal. He wasn’t assigned to that family neither other but he needed care. When Lilly saw Gabriel he saw something in his eyes, they were similar to Jonas. Lilly fell in love with the baby. She said she would like to be a birthmother but this wasn’t viewed well in the community. They can just give birth to three and after that they will do other labors. The speakers always said what was wrong in the community. One day Jonas took an apple from school home because he saw something changed he didn’t knew what but it changed so he took it home to observe it. The volunteer hours were the ones that they can choose what to do Jonas, Asher and Fiona went to the house of the olds were they spent their time. In side there was the bathing part were just babies and old people can be naked or it will be against the rules. At last in breakfast the family shared about their dreams. Normally Jonas didn’t share his but this time he did. He dreamed with Fiona, he was trying to convince her to go inside the tub naked in the house of the olds. He had the feeling of wanting even though he knew it was wrong. Her mother told him this was called stirrings, she told him that this happened to all and since know if he wouldn’t take that pill to stop that feeling it will be considered of breaking a rule. He liked that feeling but after taking the pill  he forget about it.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Truman show

In the Truman Show the amount of control that governors have is alot. They put laws over them, scripts to follow, positions, and they are always observed. What the governor, Christoph, is trying to gain is viewers and money. He is concearned on the viewers because he wants to gain money. He get what he wants, Christoph decides when days start and end. What is going to happen that day while Truman is the only one that does not know. Until he starts suspecting that everything is perfectly synchronized
 In the Truman Show the only citizen was Truman; he was innocent and didn’t know what was happening. Since Cristoph just thinks in his self, he just wants to entertain people. All people in the world watch it, the show was 24 hours. The only thing he wanted was viewers and more viewers. Truman didn’t knew all his life was fake, what people around him did. He get calls asking what happened if Truman discovers this fake world what they think he will do and that using a human like that isn’t good.

What I think about this movie is that life is not perfect as Christoph wanted to do it. Life always has challenges, adventures, and every day is different. What Truman had was an stereotype of a perfect life he had everything he want a family, and work but he was missing that women he met once. He is searching for her. Then Truman starts to suspect on what she said, that this was fake. “Everything was perfectly synchronized.” Then he figure it out and hide. Cristoph was scared because he wanted more spectators and he had to quit the show for a day to find him.